Thursday 18 October 2012

Join me on a trek to Everest Base Camp!

Hi there!

Have you ever fancied an adventure in the Himalayas, trekking for 12 days next to many of the highest mountains in the world? Following in the steps of George Mallory, Sandy Irvine, Edmund Hillary, Tenzing Norgay, Chris Bonnington, Leo Houlding.... I could go on.

You must have a slight interest or you wouldn't be reading this page in the first place. Well, maybe you would; maybe you're bored; maybe you're procrastinating from an important task (if that's the case then GO DO IT! Come back to this when you're done.... Ok, back now?) If you've heard about the trek and it's peaked your interest, but want to know more before committing to attending the information evening then you're in the right place.

Essentially, I'm a 22 year old graduate, and I'm an independent adventure leader for the company 'Student Adventures.' Don't let that put you off however, I'm not a student and I'm still doing it. It's aimed at students because they're the group that are usually attracted by this kind of thing, and they try to cut the costs by reducing small luxuries (for example camping or using hostels instead of hotels). My thoughts are though, that there must be more people like me out there. People on minimum wage, unable to afford adventures at top-end prices, but still with a yearning to get out there and do it. That's why I'm recruiting literally anyone that's interested. Student, non-student, housewife, cleaner, businessman, train driver... whoever you are and whatever your age, if you have a sense of adventure and want to trek to Everest Base Camp then you're in.

If you want more information on Student Adventures, please visit their website or feel free to leave a comment on here/email/message me.

The trek to Everest Base Camp will be in August 2013, and will involved 12 days trekking through famous Everest hotspots such as Gorakshep, Namache Bazaar and Pheriche, finally reaching the gateway to the Himalayas and summiting Kalapatthar to view Everest at its most beautiful. Kalapatthar is the closest you can get to Everest without getting involved in serious mountaineering, and is home to the highest Everest webcam in the world.

Afterwards, there are a few days spare to enjoy trips such as white water rafting, elephant safari or your own independent travel.

The whole trek will be done in aid of the charity Sparks which is a children's health charity funding research into lesser known illnesses and diseases. For more information, please see their own dedicated section of this blog, as it's a cause I'm passionate about, and I believe they deserve to raise lots of money!

There is also a detailed itinerary available, and full details of costing and what will be provided over on the Student Adventures website, and also on the trek page of this blog. If you have any questions to which I have not provided the answer on here, please feel free to email me at or message or leave a comment on here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

If you have any friends that are interested, please send them this blog, or invite them to the Facebook page - spread the Everest love!

1 comment:

  1. What are those activities within that 12 days base camp trek that are interest us?
